- There is no classification
- Contact:江福财
- Phone:13825161773
Guangzhou leather goods factory is a factory that processes and produces leather goods. Generally, leather goods factories have a design room, a cutting room, a sample room, a production workshop, and quality management. Generally speaking, leather goods factories contract work and materials, while leather goods processing factories do more processing of supplied materials. Sometimes some small factories may only process a certain process and process some small batch orders, such as processing with supplied materials or contracting work. All materials are available. The equipment used generally includes large beer machines, peeling machines, peeling machines, large shovel machines, small shovel machines, sewing machines, computer sewing machines, stamping machines, and cutting machines. Gluing machine, punching machine, etc. Guangzhou Leather Goods Factory production technology and work flow , material cutting. , tabletop processing. , shovel skin. A leather goods factory purchases the corresponding number of materials based on the actual order number of the customer. The more accurate the material calculation is, the less remaining material will be left after production. In this way, the factory's inventory will be less, and the cost will be reduced. The less waste. The main material to be purchased is leather, and it also includes lining, paper, water, thread, edge oil, hardware and other auxiliary materials. Lining, paper, glue, and thread are generally in stock in factory warehouses. Hardware can be purchased or customized according to the hardware on the confirmation board. If the customer requires silk screen printing, the lining also needs to be customized.
Company Name: |
leather goods factory |
Company type: |
企业单位 (制造商,贸易商) |
location: |
Guangdong/Guangzhou City |
Company Size: |
100-499人 |
Registered capital: |
100M人民币 |
Registration year: |
2015 |
Data certification: |
Security deposit: |
Already paid 0.00 元 |
Operation model: |
制造商,贸易商 |
Business Scope: |
Guangzhou leather goods factory, leather goods production, leather goods wholesale, leather goods franchise |
products sold: |
广州皮具厂、皮具生产、皮具批发、皮具加盟 |
major business: |